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Frequently Asked Questions

 What should we wear?
Come dressed for the occasion.  All participants are recommended to wear trousers and plenty of layers of clothing.  This will ensure that they won't be scratched, bitten or stung by any of the plants or bugs located in our woodland.  Waterproofs, wellies or sturdy boots are also advised as the great British weather can be unpredictable and the ground unstable.  Furthermore, we often visit the nearby stream for a play.
 Should I bring a snack?
Though a fireside snack and hot chocolate is offered near the end of the session, many children enjoy having a snack and drink while at Forest School.  
 What is a fireside snack?
We are always looking at diversifying the snacks that we cook over the fire. Our snacks are always vegetarian and vegan options are offered where possible and requested on the booking questionnaire.  Previous favourites have included smores, bread-on-sticks, popcorn, apple crumble and veggie tortilla.
 Where do we meet?
We all meet at the grassed clearing between Theynes Croft and Festival Way cycle path.  We then make the short journey into the woods.
 What time do we meet?
Please arrive at the grassed clearing 10 minutes before the scheduled start time.  If you are running late, no worries,  please phone or send me a message.
 When does the summer term start
The Forest School term dates generally follow the school terms. 
The seven week, summer term runs from
w/c 5th June to the w/c 17th July. 
I have two children.  Which session should I attend?
As children get older, the social benefits of Forest School become more obvious. Therefore if you are trying to choose which session to attend, I would always recommend joining the later 'Saplings' group.  The younger siblings will still benefit from the activities that are on offer.
 Can I bring younger siblings under 18months of age?
Yes.  We pitch our sessions to children aged 18 months and above.  This doesn't mean that younger siblings aren't welcome - they are, but they may not be able to access all of the activities on offer at the same level.
My child isn't 18 months yet.  Can we still come?
Yes and No.  If your child is going to turn 18 months of age during the term, then please feel free to sign up.  Otherwise, please wait and book onto next Forest School term,
I can't make all the scheduled sessions - What shall I do?
Not a problem.  If you know in advance of the term starting that you will be unable to attend one or two sessions, please send me a message and an adjusted invoice can be raised.  This session can then be made available to another family on the waiting list.
The term has started, can I still come along
Yes.  Please send me an email and if we have spaces, we will try to include you. Generally sessions are capped at 15 family groups.  This is to ensure that all families have plenty of space to enjoy the activities on offer. 
Can I just come for a mid-term taster or one-off session
Generally, No. Unless it's a specific taster session, we ask that families sign up for the whole term.  One of the founding principles of Forest School, is that children benefit most from regular, on-going experiences.  This helps them build familiarity, confidence and friendships with others attending the sessions. 
Can I bring a buggy or bike?
Yes, there is plenty of space to park your buggy or bike at the site.  However, there is a small bridge to navigate and an uneven path.  This is usually not too much of a obstacle, as one of the team will be on hand to help or other parents often offer to assist.
The forecast looks dreadful, is the session still on?
Generally, Forest School takes place in all weathers.  When showers are expected, we can put up a shelter.  When especially cold, the structure of the session can be adapted.  In most situations this is quite adequate. However when the forecast is particularly poor, with heavy, persistent rain expected, we may cancel the session and offer refunds.   

Can I push a buggy around the site?
No.  One of the amazing feature of this woodland site, is its undulating ground and wild features.  If you are bring younger siblings, a sling or carrier is recommend or allow for more mobility.
Is there any wild beasts in the woods?
No - the woods are safe from bears and wolves.  However, this is a public woodland and one in which dog walkers often use.  In most situations dog walkers will stay clear of the site, but on some occasions, dogs are known to investigate what is going on.  We apologise in advance if this causes anyone any distress. 
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